
I have been having problems when connecting to a FreeBSD
box (4.7-RELEASE-p27 FreeBSD #38) from Mac OS X. The 
typical scenario is that I ssh from the OS X box to
the FreeBSD box:


After I login, if there is no screen or cursor movement  
for a minute or two, the terminal stops responding. The 
OS X box is using tcsh and has 'set autologout=0'.

I have tested several machines and here are the results
I am getting:

   FROM      TO     RESULT
   ====     =====   ======
   OS X     FBSD    lockup
   OS X     Linux   ok
   Linux    FBSD    ok

It looks like an alergic reaction between OS X and FBSD,
but I don't have a clue where to start looking to 
track this down.

Any ideas on what this is or how to debug it would be

Jim Freeze

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