> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Chad Leigh --
> Shire.Net LLC
> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 12:11 AM
> To: List Free Bsd
> Subject: Re: Is Yahoo! moving from FreeBSD?
> On Feb 25, 2005, at 1:01 AM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> >
> > And they are still buying Microsoft Office because their users are
> > demanding it.
> I don't believe this.  I believe that a few users demand it, and by 
> default everyone else gets it.  Some manager or IT VP or someone 
> decides that is the new corp standard and that is it.

I think either you wern't paying attention in the big companies that
you worked in or you haven't worked in big companies.

Big companies have a longstanding personnel problem in that they
tend to attract, for want of a better word, lazy bastards.

That is not to say all big company employees are lazy, far far from
it.  Big companies also attract many very talented people.

But there's a certain percentage of the workforce out there who
are simply lazy bastards - these are people who do the absolute
minimum amount of effort to get by.  These folks don't want to
work for small companies, where they are easily detected and fired.
They want to work for big companies where they can hide.

As a result of this despite the best pruning efforts, there's a
large percentage of lazy bastards in any big company.

Big company managers and personnel people are well aware of this
problem, of course, but there's little they can do short of the
periodic mass layoff, to combat it.

What happens when you as a manager tell your lazy bastard employee
to do a job, is they will find every conceivable excuse to avoid
doing it. "My computer is screwed up" is a favorite one.  Another
one is "I need training on that and I can't do the work until you
give it to me"  "It's not in my job description" is another favorite.
I'm sure any managers reading have heard all of these.

If you put anything other than Microsoft Office in front of those
people they will spend endless hours complaining about how much
better a job they can do (as if they are capabable of doing anything
better than their normal half-assed job of anything) if they have
Microsoft office, because they know that better (translation, they
are too lazy to learn something different) blah blah blah.

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