On Tuesday,  1 March 2005 at 19:43:38 -0300, Alejandro Pulver wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a PS/2 PC-101 keyboard.
> I would like to use my META (ALT in my keyboard) key instead of ESC in
> console mode. META works fine in an xterm. I also would like to use DEL
> and others.
> [description omitted]

There's a special key map for Emacs.  Try this:

1.  To test it, do:

      kbdcontrol -l /usr/share/syscons/keymaps/us.emacs.kbd

2.  To have it set automatically on boot, put this in your


> 2) Some strange thing happens with Emacs in console mode: when I press
>    DEL, it is interpreted (literally) as C-h, and C-h is used as

It's not clear which keys you're talking about here, nor which codes
they're really generating.  If you still have problems, please

> And C-d acts as DEL.

That doesn't sound very likely, though I haven't played around with
the termcap entries.

> 3) Also DEL does not do anything in xterm.

In X, try running xev to see what it's really generating.

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