Hi all,

As is typical, I have once again been given very limited time to get something running, and there are some interesting things to figure about about it. :)

In brief, the application is a distributed one, loosely based on some CORBA concepts, though differently (fortunately!). The supported programming languages are C/C++/Java/Ada, of which Java will probably be the one we would like to use.

Now, the issue is (or may be), that the recommended (and only tested) platforms are Solaris and Linux (particularly Red Hat and SuSe - kernel versions 9). The apparent reason for this, is that the platform requires the NPTL (Native Posix Threads Library).

I'm looking somewhat into the support for NPTL under FreeBSD 5.3 release i386, and I have come across the following URL:
From this, it sounds like the LinuxThreads (i.e. /usr/ports/devel/linuxthreads) should do the trick.

However, I have no experience with these threads and I wonder whether it is a good idea to try to get the platform working under FreeBSD (my favourite Unix), or whether it may be better to install Red Hat or SuSe this once. :)

Can anyone tell me something about the following:
1) Does the linuxthreads library provide 100% NPTL support, as under Linux?
2) Does usage of the library incur a kernel recompilation, or will all scripts of the platform have to be changed such that the linuxthreads library is linked in?
3) A different question: what is the best JDK 1.4.x port to install, and does one of those perhaps have support for NPTL?

I hope anyone can help me out a bit with this, even if it only is about whether to make the best choice between figuring out how to get this platform going under FreeBSD (being the Unix with which most experience I have), or whether to try to go Linux and have a -perhaps- more straightforward installation of the platform (at the expense of not knowing the particular intricacies of those Linuxes).

Help/opinions are very much appreciated. :)


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