Luciano Musacchio wrote:

I'm wondering, how does this mailing list doesn't get any spam? :),
I need to set some filter on my mail server, can some one here give
me a hint on this?


# sudo ipfw add 00001 deny ip from any to me 25


Should do the trick.

Actually, it's a never-ending battle. And it's
tricky to fight. And, as you've seen, a lot of
people have opinions.

So far, I've tried:

a] blocking entire countries with ACL's.
b] SpamAssasssin + Amavisd + Dual-Sendmail
c] Greylisting with Perl + Mysql + Sendmail
   (excluding a lot of big SP's, thank you much)

It frankly takes more of my time than it's worth,
and that's an economic issue, to be sure.  I'm beginning
to think that, if you have time to spend on it, b] isn't
such a bad option.  But I've not found the *answer*

Good luck.

Kevin Kinsey
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