Chris Hodgins wrote:
> Chris wrote:
>> Chris Hodgins wrote:
>>> Michael C. Shultz wrote:
>>>> On Sunday 13 March 2005 12:05 pm, Fafa Diliha Romanova wrote:
>>>>> If I just do:
>>>>> cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile && portmanager -u
>>>>> Do I need portupgrade at all then?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Not for upgrading.  portsclean (a part of portsupgrade package) is a
>>>> nice feature of portupgrade, so is pkg_which and a few others
>>>> so I keep portupgrade around just the same.
>>>> -Mike
>>> How long does it take to run portmanager.  Is it a similar amount of
>>> time as portupgrade for each run?
>>> Chris
>> The time is about the same (in my experiance) AND (most importantly)
>> portmanager seems to handle upgrading better then portupgrade does.
>> IE: Thunderbird, Gnome, Firefox.
>> Another nifty thing is that portmanager creates a package and dumps it
>> in /usr/ports/mail/thunderbird (for example) and at least for me, I can
>> pkg_add that to my laptop since they both run 5.3
> Excellent.  Does it leave packages for everything or is just thunderbird
> that does this?

I assume so - I just checked Firefox - and its in there.

Best regards,

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