On Mar 15, 2005, at 1:46 AM, Adam Michalak wrote:
I have a few questions regarding the pagers more and less.
If I type "man more" at the prompt i get the man page for less
are more and less now considered interchangeable?

FreeBSD might actually ship with less configured to replace more.

When I do view a file with more my percentage of the file
viewed is displayed in the bottom right hand screen.

However when I view a manpage the number of bytes viewed
as opposed to percentage is displayed at the bottom right
hand of the screen.  How can i set this so that percentage is
displayed by default?

Consider adding something like this to your shell startup:

LESS='-cdegiMMs -h20 -j4'
export LESS

[ If you use tcsh, use setenv instead. ]


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