On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 09:09:16 -0500
"Tim Simmons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thus:

> Is it possible to set up a FreeBSD server to act as a gateway between an
> appletalk file server and a group of tcp/ip based windows PCs? What I'm
> trying to do is enable a group of PCs on the same physical network as the
> appletalk file server to be able to access files on that server. Windows XP,
> it would seem, does not support appletalk natively. Please CC any responses
> to me. Thank you. 
Not exactly the same as you are trying to do here but I have in the past
run both netatalk and samba on the same FBSD machine to share the same
FS between apple and winblows clients. Was pretty stable for a couple of
years and then I didn't need to do that anymore so I uninstalled
netatalk. Can you move the FS to a FBSD box ? If so that would be my




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