Hi all,

I'm setting up a build system for a small project and I want to use included
makefiles.  I have a base.mk that looks like this:

.PATH.h   : ../ ../include

CFLAGS   = -O -pipe -Wall -g

OBJS     = ${SRCS:R:S/$/.o/g}

and a bin.mk that looks like this:

include ../include/mk/base.mk

all: ${BIN}

${BIN}: ${OBJS}
        ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}

so that a makefile for a specific program looks like this:

BIN = app
SRCS = app.c
LDFLAGS += -pthread
include ../include/mk/bin.mk

But I'm having a problem figuring out how to handle header files.  I have
some that are local to this binary, but others are in the project include

How can I include the .h files so the .c files are recompiled when the
header files they require are changed?  GNU make has 'make depend' but I'd
like a better, BSDmake-centric way, if possible.

Thanks for your help,

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