Abu Khaled wrote:
Am I the only one interested in this topic? Where is the rest of our
lovely community?
Come on guys let's scratch those gray cells and help John out.

Although progress is being made on getting detail, it's still insufficient (and, not entirely consistent? if the connection in question is *wired* then probably the fact that a wireless access point exists on the same subnet is not likely relevant). Anyway, I do not have a clear vision of what connects to what, how.

The relevant portions of rc.conf, ifconfig output (and ipconfig output from the M$ box), the syntax of the tcpdump, the specs of the box, and other relevant details might spur more response. A simple ASCII representation of the network might help.

FWIW, I've seen tcpdump behave poorly if the box or card just doesn't have the horsepower required to parse the volume of all the packets being seen on the network.

re: can't ping M$ box... M$ firewall sounds like the most likely culprit. If you try to ping and get no response, does the M$ box nevertheless show up in FreeBSD's arp table (compare arp -an before and after the ping test)? If the MAC address shows up, you've got connectivity just fine, but something's dropping the ICMP packets.

PS to Abu -- your written English is as good or better than many native speakers of the language, so don't apologize for it. =)

Greg Barniskis, Computer Systems Integrator
South Central Library System (SCLS)
Library Interchange Network (LINK)
<gregb at scls.lib.wi.us>, (608) 266-6348
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