Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
Hi all,

I'm setting up a build system for a small project and I want to use included
makefiles.  I have a that looks like this:

I will answer here, but be aware that you're getting all of my prejudices too, so take things with a grain of salt.

First item deals with the .path statements, and more specifically, your use of relative addressing. It's my own experience that, if you use relative addressing, you make troubleshooting a broken build much more difficult, because

1) relative addressing means you have to be forever translating paths in listings, and very often the number of include paths gets to be rather long.
2) all the stuff like "../.." in listings is quite difficult to read
3) with the $(.CURDIR) variable, it's extremely easy to use absolute addressing. You can also make use of $(.OBJDIR), and it's not so hard to make makefiles that work off of read-only sources like cdroms.

.PATH.h : ../ ../include .INCLUDES : .h

CFLAGS   = -O -pipe -Wall -g

OBJS     = ${SRCS:R:S/$/.o/g}

and a that looks like this:

include ../include/mk/

all: ${BIN}

${BIN}: ${OBJS}
        ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}

so that a makefile for a specific program looks like this:

BIN = app
SRCS = app.c
LDFLAGS += -pthread
include ../include/mk/

The Make(1) man page doesn't show "include", the advertised command is ".include". If you use .include, then you can modify your make, if you want, with the -m argument, and so get specific directories to be added to the search path for make include files. I'm not sure, but I think that raw "include) is more a gmake item, and it's absolute addressing. Don't forget the "-" argument, so that you allow includes to fail if they need to, like for generating dependencies.

But I'm having a problem figuring out how to handle header files. I have some that are local to this binary, but others are in the project include directory.

How can I include the .h files so the .c files are recompiled when the
header files they require are changed?  GNU make has 'make depend' but I'd
like a better, BSDmake-centric way, if possible.

Well, did you look at the files in /usr/share/mk, and specifically You can even use the FreeBSD sources to figure out (to use as examples) how things should work.

Don't forget the use of -m, because you can use it to add to the include directory list, and so be able to add your own include files without corrupting the system files.

I honestly keep on switching back and forth, between thinking that the best make is bmake, or gmake. They both have key items that make them uniquely better.

Thanks for your help,


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