On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 07:52:19 -0500 (EST), Jerry Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One option is to use communigate.  It allegedly works with the outlook
> mapi client and should work on freebsd.
> http://www.stalker.com/content/solutions.htm
> I've heard from a lot of people that swear by it, particularly in the ISP
> space.

yea, it does seem to work quite well with MS's mapi client, and does
run well on FreeBSD.  Support is good, and is pretty scalable.  It's
been a while since I've had to work with it, but from what I remember
it's a decent platform for SMB's as well as ISP's.  That is if you do
not have the man-power/resources to build and admin a Postfix or
Sendmail solution.  It's also pretty trivial to add calander support,
and spam/AV filtering, has a pretty decent scripting API (in PERL if I
remember correctly) and a web-based client is included.

As for large scale MTA's, I still think postfix or sendmail are really
your only sane choices.  They are both quite flexible, and do not lock
you into one hardware/OS which some would consider a good thing.


Pete Wright
NYC's *BSD User Group
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