On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, RacerX wrote:

Oh for fucks sakes, stop insulting the folks that are offering solutions.
Like I posted before - upgrade your firmware to meet FBSD half way .

How do you expect an OS written for 2005 to play well with shit that was made in 97?

Get a grip, stop insulting us - we're NOT the enemy here. However, YOUare makeing them.

Don't lose your cool with this guy. He is spoiling for a fight, is technically crippled and ignorant. I have a feeling he is an enthusiast/hobbyist, and not a real professional.

The recurring theme in all of his posts is simple: its someone elses fault. Never some bit of ignorance on his part. Ever. Now, ignorance is what I consider to be a temporary, albeit correctable condition. What he has is crossing over to willful stupidity. He wants someone to provide him with a magic wand, and with none to be had, he sulks very publically, calls everyone a moron through veiled little jabs, and starts the cycle all over again.

This is why he is killfiled on my end. You should do the same. This guy is a typical camping troll. He sits on the list, whines about how everything in the world is anyone's fault BUT his. I am sure he has snowed alot of people in his time, by extrapolating his meager knowledge into semantic B.S., don't let him get under your skin. I don't.

Truth be told, the guy is probably just frustrated, lacks real social skills, and just dosent know how to deal with lack of knowledge on an issue. Don't let that drive you into spewing hard hearted vulgar responses. When you do that, he wins.

He feels the squeaky whiny wheel gets the grease. What he dosent understand is, in this world, you have to meet people half way. You have to try to work with people, instead of setting up roadblocks. Oh well.

Relax, and enjoy some peace and quiet mail filtering has to offer. =)

-- Duo

Although the Buddhists will tell you that desire is the root of suffering, my personal experience leads me to point the finger at system administration.
--Philip Greenspun

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