Andrew Robinson wrote:

Hi Chuck,

Thanks for the suggestion - that's beyond my exerptise, but here is the 
(hopefully relevant) output of pciconf


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3:0:  class=0x020000 card=0x09001558 chip=0x816910ec rev=0x10 
   vendor   = 'Realtek Semiconductor'
   device   = 'RTL8169 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter'
   class    = network
   subclass = ethernet
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5:0:  class=0x028000 card=0x68331462 chip=0x02011814 rev=0x01 
   vendor   = 'Ralink Technology Corp'
   class    = network


I would appreciate any further advice or assistance,


Hi, Andrew!

Normally I wouldn't suggest this, but I'm thinking in this case you
should trim all the really relevant bits of this conversation into one
well-edited email with a proper introduction and send it over to
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]", unless someone pipes up and helps you
with this Real Soon Now(tm).  I'm thinking that it would be fairly
trivial*, and most of those fellas would love to have FreeBSD
support another 1000Mbps NIC....

Kevin Kinsey

*If I'm wrong, it's Chuck's fault, heh heh.... <?!>
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