On Wed, 23 Mar 2005, Marco Beishuizen wrote:

On stardate Wed, 23 Mar 2005, the wise Andreas Davour entered:

I have hit upon another problem with my new system. Acroread is now version 7 (what was wrong with the previous version, Adobe? *shrug*) and since it is a Linux binary it naturally depends on Linux libraries. But, some of those libraries are missing. Anyone having the same problem?

I searched google and the mailing lists for a solution, and found some that suggested telling the Linux ldconfig the localtion of the FreeBSD library files, but that wont work.

Is the dependancies for the port broken, or have I missed something again?


I've problems with linux libraries too (also after an update of my portstree). I get:

/compat/linux/usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread: error while loading shared libraries: libXrandr.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ locate libXrandr.so.2

Is this the same problem you're having?

Exactly the same.

As Erik (et al) wrote, it will all be pulled in and resolved as dependencies if you have a sufficienyly up-to-date ports tree.

Kind of annyoing that it wasn't caught before it was comitted at all, but considering the total confusion that reigns right now with two different acroread ports it's just what can be expected.

I did a cvsup 30 minutes ago, and then it worked.


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