Jay O'Brien wrote:

pkg_version, however, failed. "Unable to open INDEX in pkg_do"
I found that pkg_version http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/INDEX-5 ran ok, so the problem was the missing /usr/ports/INDEX-5. In
fact there was no /usr/ports directory.

This is because you didn't install the ports collection. IT is recommended either to download the port tarred port collection from the FTP or use cvsup to get the ports collection.

I built src-all and ports-all. Now, there is a /usr/ports directory and and lots of directories and files therein. In /usr/ports, I did make fetchindex. It failed. The /usr/ports/Makeindex file was really Makeindex,v. I copied it as Makeindex, and tried make fetchindex again. It showed many errors, finally "fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue".

You probably used CVS instead of cvsup. CVS, also known as Concurrent Version System is a mechanism which allows developers to manage codebase on which more than one individual is working simultaneously. When some change is made to a file "foo.bar" managed by a CVS, a file called "foo.bar,v" is created by the CVS. This file contains all the information about what changed and who changed it along with the comments which a developer might have provided during updating the file "foo.bar". Just to add, using the foo.bar,v file along with foo.bar, any version of the file may be created that ever existed.

Obviously I need to start over, this time using the CD with the full iso image. I'll do that, but....

Well, its not always feasible to get hold of the full CD and also its most of the times not required. I generally use either the bootonly CD or the floppies to get a box on the network and pull off everything required over the network. However it is implied that you have a descent connection or you should arrange for some coffee while you install. :-)

Best of Luck and welcome to the wonderful world where most of the things are free :-)

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