Hello Steve,

after porting GitLab to support Rails 4.2 was not very successful, i've
started to get Rails 4.1 back into ports. You've already seen the PRs ;)

Normally i do not talk much if i'm not confident in the things i'm saying.

But today i reached a point, where i would say, that only some work is
left to finish the port. :)

Thank you for working on this. It's great to see.

Before we work on getting all the ports committed, I'd like to be confident we
can have something that functions properly.Do the problems you mention below
mean that GitLab doesn't work? Or only works if you make some manual changes?

Currently manual changes are needed. But i've fix 2 of the 3 since i wrote the email. As usual i have some ideas right after hitting the "Send" button ;)

Currently there are 3 problems open on my list:

- even if the git user is added to the redis group, gitlab is not able
to use the redis socket. I could change the permission to 777 for the
socket, but this seems very dirty to me

This is fixed. I've used the wrong command when writing the documentation. Usage of the parameter in the correct order make it work with permisson 770.

- the executable files in bin/ need an o+x currently. I believe this
could be fixed in the rc-script

This is fixed. I've set user, group and rights in the pkg-plist.

- the rc-script makes me unhappy. i used the one from gitlab-recipes,
but its not as good as i want it. For example it do not check rc.conf
for gitlab_enable="YES"

I can help with the rc script. We could perhaps write our own from scratch that
calls another script, or whatever is needed.

Help with the rc script would be great. :) I would try to stay as near as possible at the shipped one from gitlab. This will make porting later changes easier. But i've never wrote one before - so i have no experience.

You are welcome to have a look at my current work:
svn checkout svn://svn.toco-domains.de/freebsd-ports/www/gitlab

BUT it is not usable for you. To build the Port 40 Rails 4.1
(slave-)ports are needed. There are all finished (and need a last
check), but i will convert them to PRs just after i finished the work at
the Gitlab port.

I've also started a documentation for the users:

English is not my native language. Feel free to improve everything ;)

I'll try to checkout your current work and see if I can get it working.

As mentioned you will needed 40 currently uncommited ports. Today i have not enough time to create a patch for you. But i try to get this done tomorrow!

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