On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 11:57:38 -0500, Bryan Drewery wrote:
> 1. Do not ever link /bin/sh to bash. This is why it is such a big
> problem on Linux, as system(3) will run bash by default from CGI.

I would think that this would cause other, more fundamental,
issues.  FreeBSD's system don't expect /bin/sh to be bash,
and I wouldn't be surprised if they break for whatever reason.

> 2. Web/CGI users should have shell of /sbin/nologin.
> 3. Don't write CGI in shell script / Stop using CGI :)
> 4. httpd/CGId should never run as root, nor "apache". Sandbox each
> application into its own user.

And its own jail.  Jails with ZFS are dirt cheap.

Chris Nehren

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