On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Da Rock <rock_on_the_...@comcen.com.au> wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-01-19 at 20:38 -0500, Damian Gerow wrote:
>> Sam Leffler wrote:
>> : OTOH iwn is now out of date and someone needs to update it.  There's
>> : newer firmware that is supposed to fix many of the bugs I hit when I
>> : worked on the driver (and Intel refused to acknowledge) and obsd has
>> : added support for newer parts that people want.  It'd be great if
>> : someone wanted to take over this driver.
>> I've been working on this driver for the past few weeks (Christmas provided
>> a healthy distraction), but it's a steep learning curve for a novice C
>> coder.  If anyone wants to work on this, let me know, as I have a small
>> portion of the work already done.
>>   - Damian
> I'm willing to work on it (doing so now), but from what you have said
> here it sounds like you're in the same boat as myself as I'm very new to
> this too :)
> What about collaboration between us with a Freebsd core team mentor? Is
> this possible? Code, test, then send the new code through the core team
> member for approval as well as hints to get the job done?
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I don't know how mentoring works in the FreeBSD world or if a
canonical process of mentoring even exists, but I would definitely be
willing to participate. I know it would be a heck of a lot better than
hacking around on this stuff by myself.

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