On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 2:12 AM, Zoran Kolic <zko...@sbb.co.yu> wrote:
> Howdy!
> I'd like to rip my cd-s to flac files using some
> command line app, like cdda2wav or cdparanoia.
> Using pipe to flac utility would be nice and the
> way I'd take. What program acts in that matter?
> Since cdda2wav is in the base, I suppose people
> use it regurarly. Something like:
>  program {options} - | flac - flac_file.flac
> One more thing bothers me. I cannot see songs on
> the cd in the way of "/dev/acd0t1". I tried to
> stress it using cdcontrol, but no way. The kernel
> is customized, no sound in it, and a lot of others
> has gone. The box is speakers-free, so cannot
> check if it plays in deed.

Take a look at ports/audio/abcde, great command-line util with
configurable options for ripper and encoder.

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