Daisuke Aoyama wrote:
>> I am interested in giving this a try, though not immediately as I
>> am away from the office at the moment. Do I need to apply a patch
>> to iscontrol to make it work though ? I can't work it out from your
>> statement above.
> Yes, you need.
>> Than ks. Is the intent to integrate with the base system eventually
>> rather than have it in ports ? It would be nice to have a native
>> implementation which could then be integrated with ZFS.
> istgt is still under development.
> so I don't think integration.
> before thinking, I should work to fix more bugs.
I have tested "net/istgt" for couple of days with Windows XP and it
works more reliable than NetBSD "net/iscsi-target".
With NetBSD implementation sometimes I lost partition filesystem
information after disconnecting server from network or rebooting my

Is there any particular testcases you want to perform?

Tested on FreeBSD 7.1-STABLE #0: Wed Mar 11 22:29:33 EET 2009

P.S. Strange, but I can't find istgt in ports anymore...

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