On Wed, 18 Mar 2009, Robert Watson wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009, kama wrote:
> >> Since it's often the case that developers process quite a few outstanding
> >> MFCs during the last couple days before a code freeze starts I have changed
> >> RELENG_7 to say it is 7.2-PRERELEASE now as a bit of a heads-up that the
> >> release cycle is imminent.  You might need to be a tiny bit more careful
> >> using RELENG_7 right now because the odds of you getting a snapshot of the
> >> tree taken part way through someone doing something that required multiple
> >> commits goes up during this phase of a release.
> >
> > Is it possible to get back the todo page during this release phase?
> One of the most important things for us to keep an eye on in this release is
> that the boot loader now works on a number of pieces of hardware on which it
> reressed for 6.4/7.1.  If it proves successful, we'll likely also do errata
> notes and roll new ISOs for 6.4.
> Since superpage support was MFC'd, keeping an eye out for new VM problems is
> important.
> A number of audit-related changes have been merged improving support for audit
> pipes, so extra testing of that functionality would be welcome.
> It would probably be worth skimming svn logs for stable/7 to see what other
> testing focuses would be particularly useful.

What I meant was the todo page on www.freebsd.org.

Like: http://www.freebsd.org/releases/7.2R/TODO.html

Where problems and showstoppers where brought up. I found that information
very valueble. Especially when the release went overdue I could easily see
what caused the delay.

The last release I did not really get information about why the release
was delayed. At least not as easily as reloading a webpage.

Well, just my $0.02...

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