If this is true, some magic has been done to the FreeBSD port of ZFS,
because according to SUN documentation is is definitely not supposed
to be possible.

- Dan Naumov

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Pete
French<petefre...@ticketswitch.com> wrote:
>> The new 2tb disk you buy can very often be actually a few sectors
>> smaller then the disk you are trying to replace, this in turn will
>> lead to zfs not accepting the new disk as a replacement, because it's
>> smaller (no matter how small).
> Heh - you are in for a pleasent surprise my friend! ;-) If you actually
> try this in practice you will find ZFS *does* accept a smaller drive as
> a replacement. Preseumably to cope with the natural variability in sector
> size that you describe.
> Surprised me too the first time I saw it...
> -pete.
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