On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 12:54:54 -0700
Doug Barton <do...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> Nenhum_de_Nos wrote:
> > hail,
> > 
> > portmaster is great, but this is keeping me from using it.I want to fire a
> > portmaster -af and let it there until its done. for every package it asks
> > this. is ther any way to make it not ask ? delete and go ahead ?
> You really want to read the man page thoroughly before you begin using
> portmaster. I've taken a lot of time to try and explain how it works
> in the man page, and what your options are. In particular, you
> probably do not really want to use the -f option on a regular basis
> since that does not do what it does in portupgrade. In portmaster
> using '-af' would rebuild all of your ports, not just the ones that
> need upgrading.

that's just what I was looking for. after the library bumps that happened after 
BETA2, I'd like to rebuild all :)

> It sounds to me like what you're seeing is portmaster asking whether
> or not you want to delete the distfiles after an upgrade. The easiest
> way to deal with that is to use '-aD' and then when it's done use
> either --clean-distfiles or --clean-distfiles-all. Once again, see the
> man page for more information on those options.

I just want to fire the command and it work alone till is done.

> hope this helps,

it sure did :)



> Doug
> -- 
>     This .signature sanitized for your protection
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