A client is asking me to recommend hardware for a mailserver; they're
an OEM and whitebox builder, and would prefer to use an Intel server
board which seems reasonable.  Are there any particularly recommended
current models?  

  I seem to recall that Intel's RAID hardware is not that reliable, so
I am assuming I should either recommend they use plain SATA or SAS
drives, or steer them to an external RAID system with dedicated
controller.  If that's changed, it would be nice to know.


  The system will not be very high-throughput, primarily fronting and
acting as relay and storage queue for initially about 5000 mailboxes in
100+ domains.  All spam filtering will be handled on another box.

  -- Clifton

    Clifton Royston  --  clift...@iandicomputing.com / clift...@lava.net
       President  - I and I Computing * http://www.iandicomputing.com/
 Custom programming, network design, systems and network consulting services
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