On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 11:30:18AM -0800, Gary Kline wrote:
> > There are a couple of differences between 7.x and 8.0;
> > * The USB stack has been rewritten. I've had to change the following in
> >   /etc/devfs.rules: replace "add path 'usb*' mode 0660 group usb" with "add
> >   path 'usb/*' mode 0660 group usb" 
>       Roland, would you please update your webpage? 

Coincidentally, I just did that today. :-)

> > * The name of the tty devices has changed in /etc/ttys; ttydN -> ttyuN
> >   (impacts /etc/ttys)
>       What impact is this likely to have on my server?  The more
>       ttys we've got, the better, for a term/xterm/<cmdline> like me.

Not a lot. If you haven't changed /etc/ttys, mergemaster will take care of it
for you. I always change this file, to mark the console as insecure (meaning
you have to give the root password to log into single user mode).

Note that this change only affects the dialup lines. On my machines I always
disable them.

> > * There have been a lot of changes in the kernel configuration. If you want 
> > a
> >   custom kernel, start anew from the 8.0 GENERIC kernel so you don't miss
> >   anything. 
>       Could somebody who's running a 32biter send a GENERIC from
>       8.0 so I can diff?

Go to the following URI: 

Click on 'download' to get the file, or select it for a diff between another

> > * A lot of changes as well in /etc/src.conf (the file that defines which 
> > parts
> >   of the system are built from source)
> > * Network cards show up in dmesg and ifconfig, but not as devices in /dev 
> > (but
> >   that could be a configuration error on my part.)
>       Sorry, you left me in the dust with "/etc/src.conf". I though
>       the entire system was built from source.  Examples, please?

This file contains variables that will be used during a system build from
source. The main use is to have the system skip building things you don't
need.  E.g. if you don't have bluetooth devices in your server, you can set
WITHOUT_BLUETOOTH=yes in /etc/src.conf, and the system will not build kernel
modules and programs that relate to bluetooth. See src.conf(5) for a complete
list of settings (with explanations) you can apply in this file.

I tend to disable everything I don't need, because bugs and vulnerabilities in
things that are not built and installed cannot harm me. And it cuts down on
build time as well. I tend to build my own kernel for mostly the same reasons.

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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