>m running FreeBSD 8_Stable, and i started to use the ahci driver, all
>is fine
>All my drives are now detected as ada[0-9]
>But when i run smartctl it give me the following message:
>Smartctl version 5.38 [amd64-portbld-freebsd8.0] Copyright (c) 2002-9
>Bruce allen
>Smartctl: Device read Identity Failed (nota n ATA/ATAPI device)
>Do i need to set some option somewhere,  or rebuild smartmontools with
>some option?

There is no support in smartmontools 5.38 for the new ahci(4) driver
in FreeBSD 8.x and 9.x, or for the new ATA_CAM option that mav@ just
introduced into FreeBSD 9.x.  You need to wait for smartmontools 5.39
to be released, or build smartmontools from the latest svn sources.
The smartmontools developers have made some changes beginning on
Oct.6, and claim to support the new FreeBSD drivers in the latest

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