On Tue, 8 Dec 2009 10:08:36 -0800,
        Pyun YongHyeon <pyu...@gmail.com> said:

>> Ok, now I'm ready to boot a DDB enabled kernel to try kernel debugging
>> on my PC. I can't read email during debugging my PC under current
>> configuration, so could you please tell me any specific instructions
>> to collect information you need? I'm reading the Handbook now, but I'm
>> not very sure...
> Sorry, another user also reported similar problem in my patch. I
> have to look closely before doing any further testing. Since I've
> ordered the controller I would get access to hardware in near
> future. I'll let you know when I have a working patch.  

Oh, that's fine. I dug up an old fxp(4) card.  Still one vge(4)
remains up, but I can live with it until you can make a working

Yoshiaki Kasahara
Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University
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