Hi Rick,

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 11:14:06AM -0500, Rick Macklem wrote:
> > My NFS server is running FreeBSD 8.0 from December 6th.  The client is a
> > NetBSD 5.0.  The directory exported is /data/repos on the server
> > ( and is mounted on /mnt/repos on the client (
> >
> > The problem exists in /data/repos/netbsd-cvsroot/pkgsrc when using NFS
> > over UDP: ls(1) stalls.  OTOH, for instance, listing another directory
> > or using NFS over TCP work flawlessly.
> >
> I'll take a look and let you know if I can think of anything.
> A couple of things:
> - What arch/net interface is the server running?
>    - I haven't seen any issues w.r.t. i386, so I'm thinking it might be
>      some sort of 64bit/alignment problem. (dfr@ replaced the RPC transport
>      code with a new krpc subsystem for FreeBSD8.0 and known issues w.r.t.
>      alignment were fixed, but there may be more)

Both are i386.

> If you wanted to, you could try using the experimental server instead
> (-e option for mountd and nfsd), just to see if that makes the problem
> go away. (It handles mbuf lists/alignment somewhat differently.)

I think I have to recompile my kernel, don't I?  I tried to set
nfsv4_server_enable=YES in my rc.conf, but it refused to start.

Jeremie Le Hen

Humans are born free and equal.  But some are more equal than the others.
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