On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 21:20, fullermd@ wrote:
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 08:49:38PM -0500 I heard the voice of
jhell, and lo! it spake thus:

As I make final modifications to the script I will keep the below
URLs updated and welcome any bug reports or modification requests to
me personally.

Well, here's one:

OS Revision:                                    199506

There's no reason to show this; it's just confusing because it'll be
misinterpreted.  kern.osrevision isn't what you probably think it is.
It's just the BSD #define in param.h, which (aside from a blip which
was instantly reverted) last changed in 1996 when the -Lite2 import
was done.

Removed in revision 171, and added output for sysctl tunables to the bottom.

Current branches or exact matches of sysctl's that are included are...

If there is more sysctl's that you think should be added please let me know and I will add and update the script.

The new revision(171) is in the same url as before.

MD5 (arc_summary.pl) = 29b276a6e2f13eedf5d36370994b7f0e
SHA256 (arc_summary.pl) = 
SIZE (arc_summary.pl) = 9449




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