On 26-2-2010 10:58, Gerrit Kühn wrote:
On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 10:34:41 +0100 Willem Jan Withagen<w...@digiware.nl>
wrote about Re: em0 freezes on ZFS server:

WJW>  Probably the reason why this happened yesterday is that I started
WJW>  doing major software builds (over ZFS/NFS/TCP/v3) against data stored
WJW>  on this box.

I saw a similar problem this morning and suppose it started when some
automatic backup jobs started last night. A unstable em device is a rather
bad thing, I hope increasing the buffer (mine is at 64000 now) prevents
this from happening again.

In my case it started indeed when I raised the volume of traffic. Probably I tripled it. Thanx for confirming like features.

I have no proof that it used to work, or something like that. Since this is my first ZFS box, first Areca controller. So going back in time to see if it just regression somewhere is rather hard.

And Yes, unstable em-device is a pain, since uptill now I considered the Intel chips/driver as a constant steady-state factor in my networking life.
(would only buy/recommend Intel)

I'm not shure it is the chipset/driver combo,could be that something in the innards of the kernel has severly changed and just starts stressing a lot more.


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