> 30.03.10, 14:03, "Daniel Braniss" <da...@cs.huji.ac.il>:
> > > On 30.03.2010 12:05, Daniel Braniss wrote:
> >  > > so it seems that someone is preventing changes to the partition table!
> >  > > btw, this problem was not present in older boot0 (1.0) where the active
> >  > > partition flag is ignored.
> >  > 
> >  > You can change active partition via gpart(8).
> >  > 
> >  Hi Andrey,
> >  I'm sorry, I've reread the manual, and can't find the write magic.
> Yes, i also doesn't remember where it can be read. Only in g_part_mbr.c :)
> Try this:
> # gpart set -a active -i 1 ada2
> This will set active first partition on ada2:
> # gpart show ada2
> =>        63  1250263665  ada2  MBR  (596G)
>           63    40965687     1  !7  [active]  (20G)
>     40965750  1209292875     2  !7  (577G)
>   1250258625        5103        - free -  (2.5M)
> >  btw, boot0cfg does call geom but something seems to be broken.
> I'll look boot0cfg code today and probably made a patch.
ok, that worked!
now if you can get boot0cfg to work that would realy be nice.

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