On Apr 2, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

> On Fri, 2 Apr 2010, Oleg Lomaka wrote:
>>>> uname -a
>>>> FreeBSD cerberus.regredi.com 8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE #7 r206031: Thu 
>>>> Apr  1 13:43:57 EEST 2010     
>>>> r...@cerberus.regredi.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
>>>> Link to dmesg.boot:
>>>> http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B-irbkAqk9i7OGY2ZWJiODgtOWJmMy00NDQ1LTliZDctZjU3N2YwNmMxNjZl&hl=en
>>>> Link to kernel core backtrace:
>>>> http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AeirbkAqk9i7ZGc5Yzc2ZndfM2M4NzYydmRw&hl=en
>>>> Can I help to spot this trouble by providing additional info?
>>> Looking at the info I doubt it's related to jails or Pg in first
>>> place.  Have you been running that same setup already before your Apr
>>> 1st, r206031, kernel?  If so, from when was your last kernel?
>> Yes, this configuration works on another server fine (8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 
>> 8.0-STABLE #3 r205202)
>> Made few more tests. All tests I make using psql command (as it is 100% 
>> reproducible, may be now try spot it using telnet/netcat, without involving 
>> pg). psql accomplish login operation fine, panic appears after i run any 
>> command like \d, so I think it depends on packet size.
>> Current picture is:
>> 1. When connect from host machine - works fine.
>> 2. When I connect from other server - works fine.
>> 3. When connect from another jail on the same box as db's jail (tried from 
>> few jails) - kernel fault.
>> Also tried security.jail.allow_raw_sockets on/off - nothing changes.
> In addition to the private mail I have just sent you, the first thing
> you might try it to updat again; I hadn't realized before that your
> r206031 seems to be in the middle of a multi-commit merge from two
> people.
> It would be worth to update to the latest stable/8 and try again
> first.

That's it. r206088 works fine. Thank you for help.

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