On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 07:06:11PM -0400, Rick Macklem wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Jun 2010, Kostik Belousov wrote:
> >
> >Yes, I hoped that Mikolaj ends up with something similar :). Please note
> >that this is racy, since we cannot know why usecount is greater then 1.
> >This might cause the silly rename to kick in some time where it should
> >not, but the race is rare.
> >
> I'd say that having silly rename happen once in a while for unlink when
> it doesn't have to happen is better than having the file deleted on the
> server while it is still open on the client.

My note was not an objection, only a note. Also, when committing, please
add a comment explaining what is going on.

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