I forgot to ask in the last email, is there a way to convert from Z1 to Z2
without losing data? I actually have far more storage than I need so I'd
consider going to Z2.

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Adam Vande More <amvandem...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Garrett Moore <garrettmo...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> So you think it's because when I switch from the old disk to the new disk,
>> ZFS doesn't realize the disk has changed, and thinks the data is just
>> corrupt now? Even if that happens, shouldn't the pool still be available,
>> since it's RAIDZ1 and only one disk has gone away?
>> I don't have / on ZFS; I'm only using it as a 'data' partition, so I
>> should
>> be able to try your suggestion. My only concern: is there any risk of
>> trashing my pool if I try your instructions? Everything I've done so far,
>> even when told "insufficient replicas / corrupt data", has not cost me any
>> data as long as I switch back to the original (dying) drive. If I mix in
>> export/import statements which might 'touch' the pool, is there a chance
>> it
>> will choke and trash my data?
> I'm not sure what's going on in your case, but I have cron'd a zpool scrub
> for my pool on weekly basis to avoid this.  I run a / zfs mirror and one day
> I could no longer boot and saw the dread 'insufficient replicas'.  I
> eventually got it when disk started to work again briefly then did a
> snapshot/send offsite, redid system with new install & disk then restored
> data.  The export/import shouldn't hurt, I used that when booting off an
> MFSBSD cd and imported the zpool to send from there.  Perhaps you might want
> to consider RAIDZ2 with all those disks.
> --
> Adam Vande More
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