Hello Kostik!

On Aug 16, 2010, at 10:48 PM, Kostik Belousov wrote:

> The backtrace make absolutely no sense. I would not trust kgdb anyway.
> Compile ddb in and do backtrace in console on the panic. Also, disassemble
> the kernel at the fault address. I am very curious which instruction causes
> this. This is stock GENERIC on the bare metal booted, right ?

Yes, stock GENERIC.

Please, check this out:

Dump of assembler code from 0xffffff0060c0b700 to 0xffffff0060c0b780:
0xffffff0060c0b700:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b702:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b704:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b706:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b708:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b70a:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b70c:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b70e:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b710:     or     %dh,0xffffffffffffffc2(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b713:     cmp    $0xff,%bh
0xffffff0060c0b716:     (bad)  
0xffffff0060c0b717:     incl   (%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b719:     add    %al,(%rcx)
0xffffff0060c0b71b:     add    %cl,%bh
0xffffff0060c0b71d:     pop    %rsp
0xffffff0060c0b71e:     out    %al,(%dx)
0xffffff0060c0b71f:     pop    %rdx
0xffffff0060c0b720:     or     $0x0,%al
0xffffff0060c0b722:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b724:     or     %al,%fs:(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b727:     add    %ah,%bl
0xffffff0060c0b729:     int3   
0xffffff0060c0b72a:     (bad)  
0xffffff0060c0b72b:     add    %cl,%bh
0xffffff0060c0b72d:     pop    %rsp
0xffffff0060c0b72e:     out    %al,(%dx)
0xffffff0060c0b72f:     pop    %rdx
0xffffff0060c0b730:     iret   
0xffffff0060c0b731:     pop    %rsp
0xffffff0060c0b732:     out    %al,(%dx)
0xffffff0060c0b733:     pop    %rdx
0xffffff0060c0b734:     rex xor    $0x9f105aee,%eax
0xffffff0060c0b73a:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b73c:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b73e:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b740:     rex pop    %rdi
0xffffff0060c0b742:     retq   $0xff80
0xffffff0060c0b745:     (bad)  
0xffffff0060c0b746:     (bad)  
0xffffff0060c0b747:     incl   (%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b749:     push   %rax
0xffffff0060c0b74a:     loop   0xffffff0060c0b78e
0xffffff0060c0b74c:     add    %bh,%bh
0xffffff0060c0b74e:     (bad)  
0xffffff0060c0b74f:     incl   (%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b751:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b753:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b755:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b757:     add    %dl,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b759:     push   %rax
0xffffff0060c0b75a:     loop   0xffffff0060c0b79e
0xffffff0060c0b75c:     add    %bh,%bh
0xffffff0060c0b75e:     (bad)  
0xffffff0060c0b75f:     incl   (%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b761:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b763:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b765:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b767:     add    %bl,%al
0xffffff0060c0b769:     pop    %rdi
0xffffff0060c0b76a:     retq   $0xff80
0xffffff0060c0b76d:     (bad)  
0xffffff0060c0b76e:     (bad)  
0xffffff0060c0b76f:     incl   (%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b771:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b773:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b775:     add    %al,(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b777:     add    %al,0x290c55(%rax)
0xffffff0060c0b77d:     (bad)  
0xffffff0060c0b77e:     (bad)  
0xffffff0060c0b77f:     incl   (%rax)

Alexey Tarasov

E[: | | | | :]З 

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