On 10/25/2010 18:28, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> chmod g+w testdir/ (as superuser, exit again)
> ls -ld testdir
> drwxrwx--x  2 nobody  intern  512 25 Okt 23:03 testdir
>> ls -l testdir
>> total 0
>> -rw-r-----  1 nobody  intern  0 25 Okt 23:03 testfile
>>      -> Now editing with vi (as user harry) changes the ownership of the
>> file and writing is successfull:
>> ls -l testdir/
>> total 2
>> -rw-r-----  1 harry  intern  5 25 Okt 23:10 testfile
>   A file in a sticky directory may only be removed or renamed
>      by a user if the user has write permission for the directory and the user
>      is the owner of the file, the owner of the directory, or the super-user.

Obviously he is not the owner of the file, directory, nor the superuser
in this case so if I am missing something here please forgive me but I
still see a big problem with this....


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