On 11/16/2010 23:12, Adam Stylinski wrote:
> I hate to be the guy who gripes on the mailing list about his dinosaur video
> card's drivers crashing his system, but it's possible this could be an issue
> of a wider scope.  When I kldload savage the system hardlocks.  Not exactly
> sure if it's panicking or not, however I do have a serial port, so maybe I
> can setup a serial console and compile the kernel with debugger support to
> try and get a backtrace.
> Anybody have any pointers?

This should give you enough of an overview of how to obtain and report
the information you obtain for debugging kernel problems.


The generic kernel configuration for the most part should be enough
information to start for most cases and this would at least give you a
starting point.

Using a GENERIC kernel from a release or a snapshot too would also help
to determine if its a problem as part of the project or a configuration
mistake you might have made in your custom kernel.


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