On 14 Dec 2010, at 5:47 PM, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

> This issue has been discussed pretty thoroughly in the past.  There's no
> official solution, but there is an rc.d script I wrote which addresses
> this shortcoming.  Nothing related to the "boot order" has changed, but
> network drivers and overall methodology has changed.

Thanks: I will give your script a try.

FYI: it has worked fine for about 15 years of my using FreeBSD until recently!

The other solution would be for ntpd to not just give up the first time it 
looks for the net.  It could try again a minute later and it would work just 
fine.  Apparently it never tries a second time!

This is something that should just work out of the box, IMHO.

Thanks everyone for your help!


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