On Mon, February 14, 2011 2:35 pm, Warren Block wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Feb 2011, Chris H wrote:
>> I'm /not/ on a GENERIC kernel, but here are some relevant pieces from
>> my setup that might help; rc.conf(5) hald_enable="NO" dbus_enable="YES"
> Half a dozen machines here (roughly, it varies) say that hal is fine.
> One of those machines is a T42, but needs updating to the latest
> 8-stable.  Apparently I put the significant files on the FLCL site a
> while back:
> http://laptop.bsdgroup.de/freebsd/index.html?action=show_laptop_detail&laptop=1
> 2947
>> xorg.conf(5) Section "ServerLayout"
>> Identifier     "X.org Configured"
>> ...
>> InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
>> InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
>> Section "ServerFlags"
>> Option       "AllowEmptyInput"       "false"
> No, please stop doing that.  See
> http://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/docs/html/aei.html
>> Option       "AutoAddDevices"        "true"
>> Option       "AutoEnableDevices" "true"
> These are defaults.
>> OH, one other thing that comes to mind;
>> Did you let Xorg(1) create your xorg.conf(8) file? and if so (you /should/
>> have), what was the output? Again, if so, is that the conf file you're using
>> now?
> Sorry, must disagree with that.  -configure creates outmoded xorg.conf
> files, with older options that are either no longer needed or outright 
> obsolete.
> It also leaves out useful settings.
So basically, Your saying it's all a "crap shoot", a "roll of the dice".
The rule is; there is no rule. RTFM does not apply here.

I was only speaking from my own experiences with this same problem.
I own, and operate 30 FreeBSD boxes here. They range from 7.x-8.x, with the
exception of 1 6.x. This problem began at RELENG_7 for me. I wrestled with
it for quite some time - much of it on this mailing list. The only consistent
thing I could find, was that DISabling hald(8) eliminated most of the issues
I ran into. I discovered this was the same for many others, while reading
about others with similar problems on the nVidia/ATI news forums. In fact
the same consensus was had on the freebsd forums as well. As far as the
Xorg(1) -configure goes. It's interesting that when I choose nvidia-xconfig
to create the xorg.conf(5) file, with the exception of the additional
nVidia specific options added, the rest looks nearly identical to those
produced by Xorg(1) -configure.

Well, that's how it all works out for me.
Just thought I'd mention it.


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