On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 9:20 AM,  <george+free...@m5p.com> wrote:
> Under 8.2-PRERELEASE (GENERIC kernel), about 15% of the times I boot up
> (with rpc.statd and rpc.lockd enabled in rc.conf), I get:
> Feb  4 07:31:11 wonderland rpc.statd: bindresvport_sa: Address already in use
> Feb  4 07:31:11 wonderland root: /etc/rc: WARNING: failed to start statd
> and slightly later:
> Feb  4 07:31:36 wonderland kernel: NLM: unexpected error contacting NSM, 
> stat=5, errno=35
> I can start rpc.statd and rpc.lockd manually at this point (and I have to
> start them to run firefox and mail with my NFS-mounted home directory and
> mail spool).  But what might cause the above errors?   -- George Mitchell
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Don't rpc.statd and lockd try to choose a random port upon startup? I
seem to remember a similar problem I had a long time ago. I opted to
use a consistent, not-used port and haven't seen the problem since
(this was years ago, so I can't remember if the error you're seeing
was identical to mine).

rpc_statd_flags="-p 898"
rpc_lockd_flags="-p 4045"

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