
running 8.2-RELEASE-p1 within VMWare ESXi 4.1-u1 I want to use raw
devices as hard disks. I create the devices using this link:


I tried 3 different hard drives (Seagate 2x80GB and 1x400GB SATA2)
which are fine on a physical machine. I also ran Seatool many hours on
all of them without errors.

I can partiton the disks and create a few files/directories on it. But
as soon as I copy a larger number of files to those disks (tried with
MBR and GPT) the VM reboots *instantly* (I tried cp, dump/restore and
rsync). No "Rebooting within 15 seconds", just *snap*. I think I can
see an panic but I'm not sure, it's too fast.

(as far as I can see most of the times the data on the first UFS slice
(and only the first UFS slice!) of the partition gets *severly*
corrupted, most of the time all that is left are a few files within
lost+found. Sometimes all the labels are gone but are recoverable using
bsdlabel -R)

The problem is that /var/crash remains empty.

What can I do to create a backtrace to open a PR?

Thanks, Helmut

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