On 2011-08-20 13:15, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:

Today I liked to live dangerously, and want to upgrade a backups server
from i386 to amd64. Just to see if we could.
And otherwise I'd scap it and install from usb-stick.

So I have my server running amd64 build GENERIC.
export /, /var, /usr on the server to be upgraded.

But upgrading world dus have a snag already early on:

empty changed
flags expected "schg" found "none" not modified: Operation not supported

This is probably where some program wants to set immutable flag on

But looks like NFS does not grok that.

Now I seen plenty of sugestions to do it this way, but never saw anybody
come back with this complaint....

So I must be ommiting something ??

I looked at the work errors.
cd /mnt/; rm -f /mnt/sys; ln -s usr/src/sys sys
cd /mnt/usr/share/man/en.ISO8859-1; ln -sf ../man* .
ln: ./man1: Permission denied
ln: ./man1aout: Permission denied
ln: ./man2: Permission denied
ln: ./man3: Permission denied
ln: ./man4: Permission denied
ln: ./man5: Permission denied
ln: ./man6: Permission denied
ln: ./man7: Permission denied
ln: ./man8: Permission denied
ln: ./man9: Permission denied

Which comes from the target distrib-dirs in etc

Why would an ln -sf like that fail....
the filesystems are exported with -maproot=0


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