On 31 December 2011 16:08, Dan Allen <danalle...@airwired.net> wrote:

> Almost every day I csup from RELENG_x and build.  The traces of RELENG_8 are 
> gone, so no, unfortunately I cannot give you a uname -a from those days.

Would you consider having a small partition to do the same for HEAD? :P

> However, I have a build log file, and I see that I moved from RELENG_8 to 
> RELENG_9 on Friday, Dec 23, 2011.  I csup'd at 12:24:26 MST and discovered 
> the failure at 15:41 MST.
> This "nooptions NEW_PCIB" fix does seem rather tenuous if it is not 
> documented.  Wouldn't a better route be something like
>  if (ACPI < 2.0)
>    oldCode();
>  else
>    newCodeForNewACPI();
> so that it will always work for everyone without having to build a special 
> kernel?  After all, I went from a working system to a hung system which is 
> not the best upgrade path... ;-)

Well it's hard to test stuff out without the hardware. :) And it's
quite possible a lot of silly looking issues are actually working
around real bugs in the hardware.

I'm glad this issue was solved so quickly for you. Let's hope we can
get you onto testing out HEAD (in a separate partition!) so we can
ensure we don't break the basic stuff. :)

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