The first BETA build of the 8.3-RELEASE release cycle is now available
on the FTP servers for the amd64, i386, and pc98 architectures.  The
MD5/SHA256 sums are tacked on to the bottom of this message.  The ISO
and, for architectures that support it, the memory stick images are
available here:

(or any of the FreeBSD mirror sites).

8.3-BETA1 images have also been published for Amazon EC2.

Since the stable/8 branch is relatively mature we hope there will only
be one BETA build for this release cycle.  If testing does not turn up
any show-stopper caliber problems the next test build will be RC1.

If you notice problems you can report them through the normal Gnats PR
system or here on the -stable mailing list.

If you would like to use csup/cvsup mechanisms to do a source-based
update of an existing system the branch tag to use is "RELENG_8".  If
you would like to use SVN instead use "stable/8".

The freebsd-update(8) utility supports binary upgrades of i386 and amd64 
systems running earlier FreeBSD releases.  Systems running 8.1-RELEASE or
8.2-RELEASE can upgrade as follows:

# freebsd-update upgrade -r 8.3-BETA1

During this process, FreeBSD Update may ask the user to help by merging 
some configuration files or by confirming that the automatically performed
merging was done correctly.

# freebsd-update install

The system must be rebooted with the newly installed kernel before 

# shutdown -r now

After rebooting, freebsd-update needs to be run again to install the new 
userland components, and the system needs to be rebooted again:

# freebsd-update install # shutdown -r now

Users of earlier FreeBSD releases (FreeBSD 7.x) can also use freebsd-update
to upgrade to FreeBSD 8.3-BETA1, but will be prompted to rebuild all
third-party applications (e.g., anything installed from the ports tree)
after the second invocation of "freebsd-update install", in order to handle
differences in the system libraries between FreeBSD 7.x and FreeBSD 8.x.


MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-amd64-bootonly.iso) = 7388a064ca3b0bc940689ba19e69cd6d
MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-amd64-disc1.iso) = 27a802d54dc5bf7fa4048ee8aec99670
MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-amd64-dvd1.iso) = 231339687c8e0830b4bf94330dc6f1a2
MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-amd64-livefs.iso) = 006ef033296c7af3c0742a9740ff57c8
MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-amd64-memstick.img) = b366d83103944347a1334ea840864a90

MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-i386-bootonly.iso) = 5f4706c8bd618eaba404aa870dd7d5f7
MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-i386-disc1.iso) = e8772d8cc14eab349f061dc635f9e668
MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-i386-dvd1.iso) = f958c31608eed50a280e4330840b6c84
MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-i386-livefs.iso) = b5c86e5f1d71166d440323be7a846254
MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-i386-memstick.img) = d4fb497ceb71350ae601b5c8b7cc8304

MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-pc98-bootonly.iso) = 9b5b97c805cbdd74198523cb62db50c8
MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-pc98-disc1.iso) = 120117ba0ff961c6c6e1fbecc2981b80
MD5 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-pc98-livefs.iso) = 8cd151d1a81c8c3b589214a8650ace61

SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-amd64-bootonly.iso) = 
SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-amd64-disc1.iso) = 
SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-amd64-dvd1.iso) = 
SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-amd64-livefs.iso) = 
SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-amd64-memstick.img) = 

SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-i386-bootonly.iso) = 
SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-i386-disc1.iso) = 
SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-i386-dvd1.iso) = 
SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-i386-livefs.iso) = 
SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-i386-memstick.img) = 

SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-pc98-bootonly.iso) = 
SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-pc98-disc1.iso) = 
SHA256 (FreeBSD-8.3-BETA1-pc98-livefs.iso) = 

                                                Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodor Geisel  |

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