On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 09:28:15PM +0700, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
> I was mistaken, the latest kernel with working resume is from Jan 4 00:00
> UTC, kernel from Jan 4 01:00 UTC does not allow my laptop to come back from
> zzz(8) successfully.  It seems that offending change is rev. of
> sys/nfsclient/nfs_krpc.c by rmacklem@ (SVN rev 229450).  To be sure, I've
> reverted just this change in the latest RELENG_8 sources -- and the problem
> goes away.

Hmm, apparently the problem lies deeply/earlier.  Backing out SVN rev
229450 allows me to resume twice, but third time it fails with the same
symptoms as before (no keyboard while VTY switching works and screensaver
fires, no network but ping(8) works, fans are bursting up).  Stay tuned
while I investigate more...

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