On Thu, 17 May 2012, Tom Evans wrote:

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 3:29 PM, Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com> wrote:
On Thu, 17 May 2012, Tom Evans wrote:
This doesn't work for me, I need working hald as I plug and unplug
keyboards and mice each time I take my laptop out of its dock,

There might be some hardware thing in your setup that requires hald, but I
do manage to hot-connect external USB mice without HAL installed.  One
notebook needed moused_enable, but that's all.  Can't recall whether that
one even has InputDevice sections in xorg.conf.  I'll post the config in a

Yes, moused is exceptional in that regard, but my main issue is
attaching/detaching keyboards. Most of my time, I use a PS/2 Model M,
connected to a laptop dock with a USB<->PS/2 adaptor. I need that when
I undock, I can use the laptop keyboard, and when I redock, that I get
back my external keyboard.

I suppose the equivalent to sysmouse/moused is kbdmux, but with hald
and older Xorg, this did just DTRT.

PS: I just read to the end of the thread, Warren your config looks
interesting if it can handle hotplugging keyboards. I will give this a
try this evening, I also want to do some testing to see if the state
in hald changes between xorg restarts.

A USB keyboard here just worked; kbdmux lets you type on either or both. Unfortunately, the notebook does not have a PS2 port*, and I don't have a dock for it, so USB is all I can test.

* Yes, I'll happily hot-connect PS2 keyboards and laugh at the danger of doing so! Bwahahaha!
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