>>> I loose packets because I use a WLAN adapter. Sometimes the link is down 
>>> for 
>>> various reasons, and then the routes start changing for manually created 
>>> routes, and I want to prevent that.
>> well that is certainly not a reason for changing routes
>> I have the feeling you are not explaining good enough what really is
>> going on and it may help sending your configurations and an example of
>> routes and IP addresses before and after this route change
> Why is this so hard to understand? "Link down" leads to "static route
> is deleted". This is standard FreeBSD behavior, and has been this way
> for as long as I can remember (btw, I believe this behavior is from
> the original BSD, not FreeBSD specific).
> You can show this by having a static default route pointing to an
> address on an Ethernet interface which has link. And then pulling the
> TP cable from the Ethernet interface. Observe that the default route
> is automatically removed.

may be you have not understood your own problem yet

because so far is nothing to be understood because none of your
statements is correct, it is also not FreeBSD's standard behavior and
never has been

as long as there is the valid IP address on the related interface, no
static route will be deleted, you can even boot without cable and the
[default] static route is there

so you need to explain better your problem in order to understand it

probably you have some other stuff running, thirdparty network manager
or something, incorrect or incomplete ppoe or dhc configuration or
whatever leads to the problem

FYI static routes usually are the manually configured routes, so what
you say is redundant and not correct, I guess you're loosing some kind
of dynamic route

since WL networks usually do not run RIP/OSPF/BGP I guess the route you
apparently loose is coming from some dhcp server and may be your
dhclient configuration is incomplete or none existent, but here now it
would be useful to see your config

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