Michael R. Wayne wrote:

Upgrading a port can be done without rebooting the machine. Upgrading
the O/S is a MUCH more major undertaking and is almost never a "clean"
process. Plus the time investment multiplied by many machines is huge
(and dreaded).

6.x->7 was pretty painless. The machine was down for about 20mins while I did the installkernel/installworld step. I was in a bit of a rush so I didn't do the full mergemaster on /etc at that point in time and the only quirk I saw was a PAM auth warning in the log that didn't impact anything in the configuration I was using. This was fixed when I did the mergemaster on /etc (which I did on a snapshot later). At this point in time the machine was still running ports compiled in the 5.x timeframe. I then created a chroot environment to do the ports update in.

Mike Pumford, Senior Software Engineer
MPC Data Limited
e-mail: mpumf...@mpcdata.com        web: www.mpcdata.com
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