
I'm mostly using freebsd, but there are a few cases where it's
impossible to do, and because of these, i'm not using fbsd there.

These reasons are mostly are:
 - Lack of a working infiniband/OFED stack, with all its utils,
   mellanox connectX3 drivers, RDMA, iscsi-over-RDMA, nfs-over-RDMA,
   and such things.
 - Lack of proper support for a decent hypervisor for virtualisation.
   We can't make a hypervisor out of freebsd, if there are no such
   virtualisations available like XEN, kvm or something similar, that
   just works out of the box.
 - Lack of decent OCI support (oracle client lib). Sometimes we need
   OCI libs, for things like monitoring oracle databases. Without the
   client libs, this becomes kinda problematic.

Usually these are the top reasons.

Best regards,
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